Unnamed Word documents, multiple downloads of the same file, duplicates saved in different locations… the number of unused files that your employees keep on their computers (or on your servers) is astounding. Known as dark data, these files don’t conform to any classification or naming rules. Their file names often contain unusual characters, they’re saved in random locations, lack any predefined logic and don’t form part of broader organisational structure.
The reason for this pile-up? Poor organisation. Employees produce and share files erratically, and with good reason: they don’t always have the time or the knowledge to work according to a pre-defined system. Often the systems just don’t exist.
The absolute necessity of managing dark data
While dealing with this deluge of data hasn’t been a business priority until now, that is quickly changing. Lost productivity, missing documents, wasted storage space… dark data puts organisations at risk of failing to comply with regulations on document storage and records management, and risk being penalised as a result.
There is also the legal risk. Imagine sensitive financial information being made public by mistake. With consequences like these, it’s not surprising that more and more companies are taking steps to keep dark data in check.
Before embarking on a data organisation strategy, however, it’s important to consider which approach will best serve your business. This is where expert archivists can offer invaluable assistance. By reviewing your data, they can implement procedures and tools tailored to your document management needs.
Solutions for curbing dark data
As a first step, your archivist will carry out a data audit to determine which documents they are dealing with. Using the audit results, they’ll create an evaluation grid based on your company’s internal logic. This will allow them to create sorting policies and a filing plan.
Ultimately, the files they encounter in this process will either be kept or destroyed, depending on your company’s needs, the applicable regulations, and the three-stages theory of record management. The archivist will then implement tools to streamline and automate information governance, like deleting duplicate files, for example. This is a big step in speeding up the data management process.
Avoiding dark data through education
Another essential tool in reducing dark data is training. The archivist can also train your employees to adopt your new classification policy and use your document management software effectively.
Efficient management will improve productivity, reduce costs and facilitate document access. In turn, you’ll reduce the risk of litigation and ensure security and compliance.
Ready to conquer the dark data lurking in your company? Contact us!